Employer HB – What do we need you to do during the apprenticeship?
Sign your apprentice’s training plan.
- When we are ready to send the training plans for signatures, we will email you a link to ReadySkills, the application we use to manage training plans.
- This needs to be done by you and your apprentice before your apprentice has an induction at our training facility.
- How to sign a training plan
Confirm Competency Base Completions (CBCs)
- We also use ReadySkills to manage CBCs, which gives your approval that the apprentice has demonstrated skills in the workplace related to each unit of study.
- You will receive an email with a request to agree to CBCs according to the following block schedule, which requires your response as soon as possible:
- Stage 1: Block 4, Block 6, Block 9
- Stage 2: Block 12, Block 15, Block 17, Block 19
- Stage 3: Block 22, Block 25
- Stage 4: Block 28, Block 31
- How to confirm CBCs
You’ve also got a range of other requirements according to your contract with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA). You can find their checklist here: Managing your apprentice or trainee (vrqa.vic.gov.au)