Who is Master Plumbers?
Established in 1891, Master Plumbers has grown to become the leading industry association in Victoria. Master Plumbers’ focus is on supporting our members and ensuring the health and safety of our community.
How does Master Plumbers benefit the plumbing industry and consumers?
The association is designed to benefit plumbing trade members directly, and consumers indirectly, by ensuring the Master Plumbers they rely on every day are licensed, registered and insured, and have access to the latest training, news and information.
How does Master Plumbers influence and guide the plumbing industry?
Master Plumbers’ focus is on supporting our members and ensuring the health and safety of our community. We provide a qualified and expert perspective on issues related to the plumbing profession and opportunities to enhance the future of our industry.
How does Master Plumbers benefit apprentices?
Plumbing Apprenticeships Victoria (PAV) is Victoria’s industry Group Training Scheme and is wholly operated by Master Plumbers. In partnership with the Victorian State Government, PAV recruits, employs and then places apprentices with plumbing businesses across metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria.