Be part of the prevention

Advocacy - Published June 2020

It is time to help the public understand the importance of servicing gas appliances.

The mid-year school holidays are traditionally a time for a road trip; a time to escape the routine and the cold (or heading deeper into the cold with a trip to the snow!). Road-trip preparations traditionally revolve around the car. We all know the checklist: tyre pressure, check, oil and water, check, windscreen wipers and fluid, check. Today, many of us will leave the checklist to a skilled professional.

Be part of the prevention

So, why don’t we have the same preparedness response when it comes to our heating, particularly our gas heating systems?

It is astounding that many consumers will ignore an essential piece of equipment within their house… that is until it fails; a failure that often could have been avoided with proper servicing.

The inherent dangers of Carbon Monoxide spillage from open flued gas appliances are the focus of communication to the public and the industry of late and understandably so. Look at the number of so called “gas safety checks” or CO testers advertised who aren’t qualified to service a gas appliance and leave homeowners with a false sense of security.

The importance of having all gas appliances serviced by properly qualified and experienced professionals to ensure on-going safe and efficient operation has not had the traction it should.

The recently published AS4575 Type A Gas Appliance service standard does provide a template for a service check list, which indicates exactly what a service should look like. Master Plumbers Association have further developed this check list to better inform the consumer and information to provide greater clarity on the importance of servicing for all gas appliances.

So rather than having to go to the extent of replacement, usually at a time inconvenient to all, sell your preventative maintenance program as a means to ensure the appliance will “make the trip”.

The inherent dangers of Carbon Monoxide spillage from open flued gas appliances are the focus of communication to the public and the industry of late and understandably so.

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Incolink Grant


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