General Plumbing Services Tender (Priority Plumbing)

- Published August 2020

South East Water’s Priority Plumbing has now published their new tender document, to enable them to create a new panel of plumbing services providers.

South East Water’s Priority Plumbing provides plumbing services to South East Water customers (internal and external), covering a wide range of scheduled and emergency plumbing services for both water and sewer.

General Plumbing Services Tender (Priority Plumbing)

Details of the tender:

Priority Plumbing operates 24 x 7 x 365 days a year with the majority of works conducted during the normal business hours of 08:00 hrs - 17:00 hrs.

iota Services (iota) currently manages Priority Plumbing for South East Water as our appointed agent.

Work is either initiated on customer’s request through the South East Water Priority Plumbing contact centre or directly by South East Water. It is then allocated to each Contractor by the Priority Plumbing works coordinator.

Plumbing services predominantly occur within South East Water’s network area and are charged based on a schedule of rates and/or quoted works basis.

The general plumbing services include:

General Plumbing raised by Customers Plumbing Services raised by South East Water
Scheduled general plumbing work Sewer / Storm water clearances,
Hot / Cold water service repairs CCTV services
Rainwater tank installations Dig out and repairs
Leak detection and repairs Domestic water audits
Freezing of water services Installation of check meters
Hydration station Backflow prevention work
Hot Water Unit installation Water restrictions

iota is seeking to establish a Preferred Contractor Arrangement with suitably experienced and qualified Contractors for General Plumbing Services (Priority Plumbing) for South East Water’s customers within our service area.


Applicants will need to be registered with Tenders VIC as a supplier (if not already done so), before they can download the documents.

For technical issues with registration, please contact:

Tenders VIC Technical Support:
Call the Technical helpdesk, Monday to Friday on (03) 7005 9777 between 9 am and 5 pm AEST or email on [email protected] if you have any technical problems with the website.

South East Water’s Priority Plumbing has now published their new tender document, to enable them to create a new panel of plumbing services providers.

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