VBA CPD proposal

CPD - Published June 2020

Recently you would have received information from the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) in regard to providing feedback on a proposed Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program.

The process is driven by the Department of Environment, Land, Water, and Planning and includes an invitation to complete an online survey in addition to a formal submission process. Master Plumbers is currently preparing a formal submission to the inquiry and will be engaging with members to inform that process. 

VBA CPD proposal

Master Plumbers have advocated for CPD within the plumbing industry as a means to ensure all registration and licence holders maintain currency within their area of work and retain the confidence of the consumers. We believe that providing opportunity to further develop knowledge and skills required to meet a changing industry are key components of a professional’s approach to running a plumbing business.

There have been three broad options proposed:

  1. Maintain current situation, no mandatory CPD
  2. Introduce a mandatory program with no compulsory subjects
  3. Introduce a mandatory program with a mixture of compulsory and non-compulsory subjects

Master Plumbers believes that each of these options have benefits but on balance we think a compulsory scheme with a mix of mandated and optional components provides the flexibility needed across the industry. Whilst we support the role of the Regulator in a CPD program we would like to see greater detail on how such a program might be managed and what decision-making mechanisms will be put in place around any mandatory components of that program.

Stay tuned for more information. If you would like to provide any feedback to Master Plumbers, please forward your comments to [email protected]

Testo – Dec24 – Jun25


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