What is CPD?

Master Plumbers CPD program is designed to help you (and the plumbers who work for you) maintain and improve your knowledge and skills.    

Master Plumbers CPD Program

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programs are designed to help you stay current with changing trends, new technology, new regulations and new technical requirements.   

The Master Plumbers’ CPD program encourages you to continue learning by asking you to complete 12 ‘points’ of learning activities each year.  Different types of learning (like courses or technical reading) earn different points. Approved activities cover technical and practical plumbing skills or are related to the broader skills including business management, OHS and workplace relations.

We know many plumbers are already undertaking regular upskilling and training, so we won’t create new work for you.  Instead, our program is designed to make it easy for you to find new learning opportunities with our CPD library and a help you keep track of your learning- all in one place.


CPD made easy

We understand that time off-site for you or your team means lost revenue!   Our structured program makes it quick and easy for you to find and track recommended learning activities. We’ve also included as learning activities some of the things you already do, like watching online manufacturer videos, reading technical worksheets or attending expos.

For larger plumbing businesses, our program can help you keep track of the training your plumbers undertake, including any in-house training you might run.   It can also help plumbers broaden their skill sets, complete online learning whilst on site or encourage them to undertake formal OH&S or project management training.

  1. How it works

    How it works

    Read more about the structure of the CPD program, how to earn CPD points, plus how to use our CPD portal to keep track of your points.

Get started today

Our CPD portal will help you keep track of your points earned and any required activities.
Plus, if you signup, we’ll make sure you know about the latest learning opportunities across the industry in Victoria.

Create your individual profile by clicking on the button below.