ANZAC Day – Sunday 25 April 2021

Public Interest - Published April 2021

This year ANZAC Day, 25 April 2021, falls on a Sunday

What this means and the effect of this has different consequences for different employers. 

The answer depends on whether you are covered by the Plumbing and Fire Sprinklers Award 2020 (PFS Award) or an enterprise agreement that is not a Plumbers Union Agreement or the Plumbers Union Agreement.


ANZAC Day – Sunday 25 April 2021

PFS Award / An Enterprise Agreement (that is not a Plumbers Union Agreement)

Neither the Public Holidays Act 2013 (Vic), nor the National Employment Standards / PFS Award provides for the substitution of ANZAC Day. 

As a consequence, the public holiday will be celebrated on the actual day (i.e. Sunday 25 April 2021). 

Plumbers Union Agreement

Under the Plumbers Union Agreement when various public holidays fall on either a Saturday or Sunday “a day in lieu will be observed on the next calendar working day”.  ANZAC Day is one such day.

As a result of Clause 37 - Public Holiday of the Plumbers Union Agreement, Monday 26 April 2021, will be a day in lieu of ANZAC Day Sunday 25 April 2021.

It should also be noted that Tuesday 27 April 2021, is an RDO.

Please note that there may be some confusion with the RDO Calendar in a number of the Plumbers Union Agreements.  In some instances, Monday 26 April 2021 (the ANZAC Day public holiday) and Tuesday 27 April 2021 (the RDO) may already be reflected on the 36 Hour Calendar as an additional public holiday and an RDO, in some others the combined two (2) days will not - it may only appear as a single day. 

For those members that have any questions please contact Phil Eberhard, Senior Workplace Relations Adviser, Master Plumbers, on work 03 9321 0720 or Mobile 0425 790 722.

AusWorld – Until Jan 20


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