WorkSafe Victoria Construction COVID Response

Work safety - Published April 2021

WorkSafe is vigilant in its inspections of COVID safety and the latest figures back this up with more than 5,100 COVID visits in February and March.

Of the 1,246 visits to House Construction (E3011) sites, nearly 7 per cent resulted in a COVID notice being issued (87 notices).

This was by far the highest strike rate of notices issued compared to visits made, with Other Residential Building at 5.9 per cent, Non-Residential Building Construction at just over 2 per cent and Site Preparation Services less than 1 per cent

WorkSafe Victoria Construction COVID Response

Master Plumbers OH&S Manager Frank Geremia said that the numbers show the importance of having a comprehensive and up to date COVIDSafe plan in place.

“It’s concerning that Worksafe is still finding construction businesses with no COVIDSafe Plan in place, or one which is inadequate.  Common failures since November last year are all things which we should be doing properly by now, things like failing to wear face masks when required, not properly cleaning sites or training staff about safe behaviours and not complying with density limits,” he said.

Master Plumbers COVID portal and the Construction Industry Guidelines have all the information needed and templates to make complying easy.

“More broadly, it shouldn’t take a situation like COVID to be start talking safety within your business. Every business needs safe systems of work in place to ensure the safety of your team and that your business is compliant.”

Reach out to one of the safety team at Master Plumbers to consolidate your business safety plans.

Incolink Grant


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