Worksafe Infringement Notices

Work safety - Published August 2021

As of the 31 July 2021 WorkSafe inspectors now can issue infringement notices for 54 different offences.

The list of offences includes:

  • a person undertaking work without a required license, registration, qualification, experience or supervision;
  • the use of equipment or substances that are not licensed or registered as required;
  • failing to meet various duties relating to the removal and storage of asbestos; and
  • failure to keep various required records.

Worksafe Infringement Notices

So remember:

  • If you are not licensed or certified to perform a task, don’t do it and if you are, ensure you have a your license and or certificate with you at all times.
  • When on any construction site, ensure that you carry your white/red card.
  • Always have your site specific Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) with you when performing high-risk construction work and ensure that all your employees have been inducted into the SWMS.
  • Maintain plant maintenance logs and pre-start checklists and ensure that they are always readily available to produce when required.

For more information regarding infringement notices go to and ensure that you don’t get caught out on site, talk to Master Plumbers and consolidate your safety systems to keep everyone safe.

WorkSafe held an educational webinar on the Infringement Notice scheme that can be viewed below.

Incolink Grant


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