The end of the transition period for the 3500 suite of standards is here. Master Plumbers Technical Advisor Aaron Bridger reports.
Part 1: Water services
Cross connection control and backflow prevention. Several parts have been removed from AS3500.1 and upgraded to the NCC volume 3, Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA). The suitability of device chart is in the Australian standard, with the list of fixtures/appliances and corresponding hazard ratings relocated to schedule 41 of the PCA (pg 101). Cross connection/ and backflow information is in Part B.
Installation of water services located in metalframed walls. A new drawing/figure, (C) on pg 34 shows the minimum distance required for hole spacings in metal studs, when installing water piping systems.
Part 2: Sanitary plumbing and drainage
Junctions for drains installed at grade include:
- New installations - Where a junction is used to make the connection of a DN 100 branch drain to another DN 100 drain, the entry level of the branch drain shall be elevated at an incline of not less than 15°.
- Other installations - The entry level of the branch drain may be on grade:
- for repairs or extensions to existing installations;
- where WC pans are not connected upstream; or
- where the main and branch drains are not DN 100.
Commercial dishwashing machines. The maximum length of commercial dishwashing machine discharge pipes without venting and with the nominated minimum DN sizes shall be in accordance with Appendix B.
Part 4: Heated water services
Proximity to other services. This has been amended to bring it into line with Part 1: Water services. Above-ground services. Separation of at least 25mm shall be maintained between any above-ground water service and many other services:
- Electrical or telecommunications conduits.
- Electrical or telecommunications wires or cables.
- Consumer gas pipes.
- Sanitary plumbing and drainage.
- Storm water drainage.
- Other above-ground water services.
- Any other services.
Where a pipe is insulated, the measurement shall be from the outer edge of any insulation or wrapped material applied to the pipework.
Sizing of branches from circulatory heated water systems. Appendix Q has been added to improve the amenity of users and reduce wastage.
Heated water temperature provisions. Information regarding delivery temperature and controls of temperature have been removed from AS3500.4 and are now covered in the PCA. One very interesting addition are scenarios covered in B2D5:
- a heated water service is installed on the premises for the first time; or
- the water heater forming part of an existing heated water service is:
- replaced with a like-for-like water heater; or
- replaced with a different type of water heater; or
- relocated, and is reconnected to, some or all of the sanitary fixtures to which it was previously connected; or
- more than one existing sanitary fixture is replaced with new similar fixtures; or
- an existing heated water service on the premises is altered or extended to serve additional sanitary fixtures.
Master Plumbers is seeking further clarification on water temperature provisions changes from the regulators.
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