Plumbers Union Agreement – Loaded Rates

Member updates - Published April 2021

Appendix J of the Plumbers Union Agreement contains an Indicative Gross Hourly Rate Guide. 

The Indicative Gross Hourly Rate Guide is made up of a number of factors; including but not limited to, wage rates, fares allowance and travel allowance.

As a result of the increases to the wage rates, fares allowance and travel allowance payable as of the first pay period on or after 1 March 2021, Master Plumbers has updated Appendix J.  A revised Appendix J can be found below or downloaded here.

Plumbers Union Agreement – Loaded Rates

It should be noted that:-

  1. the weekly wage, the fares allowance and the travel allowance are all based on the rates payable on and from 1 March 2021;
  2. the averaged site allowance is based on a site allowance of $4.30;
  3. the percentage for Superannuation (9.5%), CoInvest (2.7%), Workcover (6.204%) and Payroll tax (4.85%) reflects the current percentages;
  4. the Redundancy / ITP Insurance / Portable Sick leave reflects the applicable rate as at the first pay period on or after 1 October 2020; and

Finally, the total of the factors is then divided by the Average Weekly Productive Hours (28.3 hours per week).  The Average Weekly Productive Hours has been derived by deducting the average annual leave, average personal / carer’s (sick) leave, public holidays, picnic day, rostered days off and a number of other absences from the available working hours.

For those members that have any questions please contact Phil Eberhard, Senior Workplace Relations Adviser, Master Plumbers, on Mobile 0425 790 722 or [email protected].


Appendix J: Indicative Gross Hourly Rate Guide

AJ.1    The following table is an indicative hourly rate guide to the total costs involved in employing a Registered Plumber or a Refrigeration Mechanic under the Agreement:-

Factors From the first pay period on or after 1 March 2021
Weekly Wage  (As at 1 March 2021) $1,865.52
Fares Allowance  (As at 1 March 2021) $123.95
Travel Allowance  (As at 1 March 2021) $259.10
Total (Weekly Wage) $2,248.57
Annual Leave Loading $30.27
Averaged Site Allowance ($4.30 per hour) $154.80
Superannuation $219.42
CoInvest $55.37
WorkCover $168.03
Payroll Tax $131.36
Redundancy  (As at 1 October 2020) $100.00
Additional / Member Benefits  (As at 1 October 2020) $28.70
Insurance (Income Protection / Trauma Insurance / Journey Accident)  (As at 1 October 2020) $27.13
Training Levy (includes GST) (As at 1 October 2020) $37.41
Total $3,201.06
Average Loaded Wage (As at 1 March 2021) $113.51



  1. The Averaged Site Allowance is based on a site allowance of $4.30;
  2. The percentage for Superannuation (9.5%), CoInvest (2.7%), Workcover (6.204%) and Payroll tax (4.85%) reflects the current percentages;
  3. The Redundancy / ITP Insurance / Portable Sick leave reflects the applicable rate as at the first pay period on or after 1 October 2020; and
  4. The Average Weekly Productive Hours (28.3 hours per week) is derived by deducting the yearly annual leave, personal / carer’s (sick) leave, picnic day, rostered days off and other absences to determine the Average Weekly Productive Hours.
Incolink Grant


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