Rostered Day Off (RDO) calendars for 2020

Member updates - Published November 2019

The RDO calendars for 2020 can be downloaded below.

Rostered Day Off (RDO) calendars for 2020

36 Hour Week

  • Based on the Plumbing Union 36 Hour Week RDO Calendar
  • Includes 26 RDO’s, as 26 RDO’s accrue under the Union Agreement (an employee accrues one (1) RDO each two (2) weeks (including periods of paid leave))
  • In 2020, Anzac Day falls on a Saturday.  As a consequence of the provisions in the Union Agreement, Monday 27 April 2020 will be taken as a day in lieu.

Download the 36 hour week calendar here

38 Hour Week

  • Suggested RDO Calendar only and may assist members contracting in the building industry.  The dates are flexible!
  • Structured for consistency with the Plumbing Union 36 Hour Week RDO Calendar
  • Includes 13 RDO’s, as thirteen (13) RDO’s accrue per annum (an employee accrues one (1) RDO each four (4) weeks (including periods of paid leave))

Download the 38 hour week calendar here
Both the Plumbing and Fire Sprinklers Award 2010 (PFS Award) and the Union Agreement have substitute day provisions.  This means that when certain days fall on either a Saturday or a Sunday they would be substituted to the Monday and / or the Tuesday.  In 2020, Boxing Day (26 December) falls on a Saturday. 

However, in this particular instance, the Victorian State Government have declared Monday 28 December 2020, as an additional public holiday.  This means that Friday 25 December 2020, Saturday 26 December 2020 and Monday 28 December 2020 are all public holidays.  

This impacts upon all employees; irrespective of whether they work a 36 Hour Week or a 38 Hour Week.

Should there be any questions please contact:

Phil Eberhard – Senior Workplace Relations Advisor
email: [email protected]
phone: 03 9321 0720 | mobile: 0425 790 722

Incolink Grant


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