Welcome to the Spring edition of Australian Plumbing

Magazine - Published September 2024

Decisions made in Canberra are impacting our industry more than ever before. The bureaucrats and policy makers at the national level strongly shape our industry whether it’s changes to the National Construction Code (NCC) or Australian Standards (AS); policies impacting the workplace, business regulation, taxation, housing, training of apprentices, or payment terms; or funding decisions that impact our pipeline of work.

And while it may not always be immediately apparent, many of the decisions made at a federal level filter down to all state and territory jurisdictions, ultimately affecting the day-to-day operations of every member’s business.

As we head toward a Federal Election (between now and next May), it is critical that our industry has a national voice, and that voice is heard.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind our readers of the incredible body of work undertaken by Master Plumbers associations across the country. Your associations influence agendas and outcomes in favour of our industry and the communities we proudly serve.

At the national level, Master Plumbers Australia and New Zealand (MPANZ) represents all associations across the two countries, with Master Plumbers (Victoria) currently the Secretariat.

In August this year, MPANZ released Plumbing Industry Priorities, outlining the key national issues facing our industry and the path forward, as shaped by research,
industry intelligence and views of the tens of thousands of businesses collectively represented through its constituents. Plumbing Industry Priorities shines a light
on the key issues facing our industry, challenges current approaches and identifies workable solutions in three critical areas:

  • Championing consistent, evidence-based regulation;
  • Securing the sustainability and integrity of the plumbing industry; and
  • Future proofing our skilled workforce

Download a copy at https://masterplumbersanz.com/

In August, a delegation of MPANZ representatives headed to Canberra to directly champion issues including the energy transition, the skills shortage, wage subsidies
and the cost of business.

On a Victorian front, Master Plumbers is working hard with both sides of politics to seek a more practical gas-transition pathway. The flawed nature of the Victorian Gas Substitution Roadmap and its rushed implementation is leading to poor outcomes for customers. Master Plumbers’ view is that plumbers should always feel empowered to initiate open discussions around the best energy solution for their customer’s situation and to ensure consumers are fully aware that gas appliances can still be installed and remain a very effective option in many situations.

Master Plumbers supports Australia’s goal to move to a low-carbon emission economy. But we take issue when governments and green lobby groups willfully mislead consumers and the community about the benefits of rapid electrification, the real cost to make the change and the ‘whole of life’ impact. Keeping Australia’s energy options open is key to the best possible transition.

In June, the Victorian Government released a new Roadmap for Heat Pump and Hot Water Systems in Australia. Master Plumbers believes the roadmap is a workable component in encouraging all leading industry associations to unite and work toward net zero in a practical way.

We have called for a more balanced and orderly approach to the energy transition through government submissions, including the Regulatory Impact Statement
(RIS) outlining Minimum Standards for Rental Properties and Rooming Houses, which seeks to remove gas heating and hot water systems from rental and rooming
properties. This is expected to be followed later in the year with a further RIS, which will probably mandate end-of-life gas appliances with electric replacement
in all households.

Master Plumbers views have also been relayed in the Victorian Parliament with questions on the record by Hon. David Davis MP (Opposition) and Mr David Limbrick
(Libertarian Party) as a direct result of our advocacy.

Our interstate colleagues, especially in NSW, have been similarly vocal on this critical issue.

On page 8, readers can find out about the rollout of further restrictions on lead products in our water systems from 2026, a discussion Master Plumbers has been part
of over the past five years. Master Plumbers has been particularly concerned about an increase in lead in products coming into our market and strongly supports
this move to ensure consumers continue to have access to the safest drinking water in the world. But we also want the Victorian Government to ensure point-of-sale
legislation prohibits retailers from selling non-conforming products to ensure the change works.

If you want to have more of a say on the issues that matter most to you, please get involved. Attend Master Plumbers technical meetings and take the opportunity
to share your voice through the various surveys, forums and submissions that we release. Our collective experience and insights are what help shape better, fairer, more practical policy decisions.

Norm Anderson
President, Master Plumbers and Mechanical Services
Association of Australia

Welcome to the Spring edition of Australian Plumbing

Incolink – Grant – FY 2023


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