Are you ready to give your business a head start?

Careers - Published December 2019

Head Start is a program designed to help your business recruit quality apprentices and trainees with the literacy and numeracy skills you need for business success.

Head Start helps growing Victorian industries fill vacant positions while offering passionate students the opportunity to kick-start their career as well as complete their VCE or VCAL.

When students finish school, they have their VCE or VCAL as well as having finished (or be close to finishing) their training - and your business has a talented recruit, ready to begin permanent work.

Are you ready to give your business a head start?


Depending on your needs as an employer, students attend school some days and work on others. At a minimum, students will undertake paid employment for:

  • one day per week in Year 10
  • two days per week in Year 11
  • three days per week paid in Year 12.

Students can also choose to complete Year 12 over two years to support their apprenticeship or traineeship, if required.

Head Start students can choose from apprenticeships and traineeships in key industries such as building, construction, community services and health, business and primary industries.

Over time the focus will expand to new highend, technology based courses, to meet the growing needs of businesses.



As a Head Start employer, you’ll receive:

  • a committed apprentice or trainee matched to your business needs
  • one-on-one support from the Head Start Coordinator who will assist you by creating a Head Start Pathway Plan for your apprentice or trainee tailored to your business needs
  • an apprentice or trainee undertaking quality training through a TAFE or Skills First provider
  • opportunity to build capacity and skills in an employee for your business
  • support for your growing business.



To learn more about the program and become a Head Start employer, visit:

Head Start helps growing Victorian industries fill vacant positions while offering passionate students the opportunity to kick-start their career as well as complete their VCE or VCAL.

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