
Hydrogen Hy

Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) is positive about the power of hydrogen. So positive, in fact, that they have invested in Australia’s first 100% hydrogen-powered home, where the gas appliances run on hydrogen gas.

To demonstrate that gas appliances in the home can also run entirely on hydrogen is a game changer.

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Hydrogen Hy

AGIG had a mission. It wanted to design a project that would show land developers, builders, appliance manufacturers and retailers, plumbers and other stakeholders that hydrogen is a practical and efficient way to decarbonise homes, while experiencing all the benefits of natural gas.

That is where the HyHome came in.

AGIG’s HyHome, located at the Dennis Family Homes display centre in Wollert, north of Melbourne, looks and feels like any normal home, except that many of its appliances run off hydrogen, demonstrating future energy use where natural gas is replaced entirely by carbon-free hydrogen.

AGIG’s new HyHome was an opportunity to:

  • Demonstrate the feasibility of hydrogen as a future energy source for homes.
  • Provide a proof-point of momentum and progress for domestic applications of hydrogen, and the support of some global brands invested in developing renewable gas.
  • Build excitement about the prospect of hydrogen as a safe, easy to use and convenient option available in the future to consumers.

AGIG CEO Craig said the development of hydrogen compatible appliances represented a key step forward in the energy transition, meaning customers could one day be able to enjoy the benefits of using gas in a low-carbon future.

“We’ve known of the potential for hydrogen to be part of the renewable energy solution for industry and transport, but to demonstrate that gas appliances in the home can also run entirely on hydrogen is a game changer.

“It provides ongoing choice for households, and for the energy transition as it represents an additional source of clean energy to displace emissions and meet our net zero targets. HyHome shows that Australians can continue to enjoy the convenience and reliability of gas, while progressively moving towards lower and zero carbon energy sources.

“Our current gas network has been substantially upgraded and is of a world-class standard that can transport 100 per cent hydrogen to homes in Victoria with little additional investment.

We have the existing infrastructure, expertise and a network that passes millions of Australian homes that is ready to supply renewable gas to them – why wouldn’t we make the most of that?”

The unveiling of HyHome follows AGIG’s recent announcement of one of Australia’s largest hydrogen production plants in Wodonga, Victoria, which will join projects in Adelaide and Gladstone as part of AGIG’s low-carbon transition plan to ydrogen-blended renewable gas for customers.

“Renewable gases, like green hydrogen and biomethane, have a critical role to play in the transition to a decarbonized future,” Craig says.

“Not only are they better for the environment than coal or natural gas but they can improve the reliability of our energy system [compared to 100% electricity].

“Our hydrogen projects across the country are demonstrating hydrogen’s value, improving the economics of deploying the technology and helping develop industry capability and capacity.

With a strong pipeline of future projects, we remain committed to building more projects and delivering renewable gas to all our customers across the network, households, business and industry.”

For more information about AGIG and its hydrogen initiatives, please visit the company’s website at

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To demonstrate that gas appliances in the home can also run entirely on hydrogen is a game changer.

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