Master Plumbers launch gas safety awareness program for consumers

Public Interest - Published February 2020

You may be aware that under certain conditions some gas appliances may leak products of combustion into your living space. The types of appliances that are most at risk are those described as open flued or natural draft appliances. These appliances rely on a constant delivery of fresh air to ensure that the flame can burn correctly and the flue which removes these combustion gases works effectively.

Your gasfitter can assist you in ensuring that you existing gas appliances operate both efficiently and safely by having a regular service on all you gas appliances. In the same way that your motor vehicle needs to be serviced to ensure all of the required safety equipment is operating, gas appliances require similar attention.

Master Plumbers launch gas safety awareness program for consumers

Master Plumbers have partnered with The Chase and Tyler Foundation to promote consumer awareness around the safe installation and servicing of gas appliances.

 A properly serviced gas appliance will continue to run efficiently and safely for many years but there are many  common types of heaters, those with ‘open’ or natural draught flues, that require adequate ventilation to allow them to operate  safely and efficiently..

In addition to promoting the importance of regular servicing for gas appliances, the program also serves to educate other trades such as Electricians as well as the wider community about how changes to the environment in which the appliance operates can affect its ability to operate in a safe manner.

On completion of an installation of a new open flued appliance or servicing an existing unit, Master Plumbers members will place a warning sticker inside the electrical meter box to alert other trades and the homeowners to future works that may affect the environment inside the home such as the addition or replacement of extraction fans, etc. (see fig 1)

With winter just around the corner, it’s important for the community to ensure that they have all gas appliances in their homes serviced prior to operation and engage a qualified gas service person to service any appliance if and when required.

A plumber that is engaged to carry out this work should be able to provide evidence that they hold the required ‘Gas Servicing- Type A appliances’ licence (see fig. 2) and provide a signed service report detailing what has been done.

You are encouraged to contact the Master Plumbers Association with any concerns or to find a qualified and licenced gas service technician in your area.

fig.1 warning sticker

fig.2 gas servicing – Type A


With winter just around the corner, it’s important for the community to ensure that they have all gas appliances in their homes serviced prior to operation and engage a qualified gas service person to service any appliance if and when required.

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Testo – Dec24 – Jun25


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