Stay safe and follow the 5 P’s of Safe Excavation

Work safety - Published August 2020

Do you know the Dial Before You Dig 5Ps? Don’t discover them by accident. Essential infrastructure such as water, sewer and stormwater assets, gas and oil pipes, telecommunications and electricity cables are all crucial to the delivery of essential health, educational, commercial, residential and community services.

Safety is vital when carrying out works and the Dial Before You Dig 5Ps of safe excavation video covers the guidelines that need to be followed before breaking ground to protect workers and the wider community, as well as avoid damage to vital assets.

Stay safe and follow the 5 P’s of Safe Excavation

The Five Ps of Safe Excavation – Plan, Prepare, Pothole, Protect, Proceed


Plan ahead by lodging your Dial Before You Dig enquiry at least one business day before starting any excavation to ensure you have the correct information and safety measures in place.


Prepare by reviewing the utility plans and contacting the utility if you need assistance. Look for onsite asset and infrastructure clues such as pit lids, marker posts and meters. Engage a Locator to undertake electronic location prior to potholing. 


To establish the exact location of all underground infrastructure(s), pothole if permitted using the asset owner’s stated method as specified on the asset owner’s plan and / or information pack.


If potholing has occurred, protect the infrastructure by using various methods; such as communicating to all working on site, erecting barriers and / or marking the location of the exposed infrastructure. 


You should only proceed with your excavation work after you have planned, potholed (unless prohibited) and have protective measures in place.

The Dial Before You Dig service is free for anyone to use and is The Essential First Step when it comes to safe work practices. Stay safe and always follow the 5Ps of Safe Excavation - it starts with lodging a free enquiry online, anytime at

Do you know the Dial Before You Dig 5Ps? Don’t discover them by accident.

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Incolink Grant


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