Plumbers Union Agreement – Indicative Hourly Rates

Industry Updates - Published July 2022

Appendix J of the Plumbers Union Agreement contains an Indicative Gross Hourly Rate Guide.

The Indicative Gross Hourly Rate Guide is made up of a number of factors; including but not limited to, wage rates, fares allowance and travel allowance.

As a result of the increase to the Superannuation Guarantee Charge from 1 July 2022, Master Plumbers has updated Appendix J.  A revised Appendix J can be found here.

Plumbers Union Agreement – Indicative Hourly Rates

It should be noted that when comparing the July 2022 Appendix J to the March 2022 Appendix J, there have been two (2) changes. 

The first of those changes reflects the increase in the SGC. 

The second of the changes reflects the inclusion of the entire cost ($3.00 per week) of the PSL (previously, only the additional cost [$1.60 per week] was included in the March 2022 Appendix J.  The inclusion of the total cost of the PSL more accurately reflects the actual overall labour costs.

The Additional / Member Benefits (As at 1 October 2021) comprises the member benefit ($7.85 per week), the apprentice levy ($2.00 per week), the bill payer insurance ($1.00 per week), the employee and family welfare support ($0.95 per week) and PSL ($1.40 and $1.60 which totals $3.00 per week).

AusWorld – Until Jan 20


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