The festive season has many traditions and unfortunately when it comes to workplace incidents, we traditionally see an increase in incidents and fatalities at this time of year.
The roads are busier and everything has to be done yesterday, with many people working long hours and also managing a hectic social calendar.
As a business owner, what can you do to reduce the risk of workplace incident for your own employees?
- Consider how many hours your staff are working, are they getting adequate breaks between shifts and factor in their driving times.
- If your Christmas party is on a week night consider giving your employees a relaxed morning the next day with a later start, and consider whether your employees can get home safely from the Christmas party. A work-endorsed function, even out of hours, can be defined as your workplace and the usual responsibilities for employee safety still apply at these events.
- Consider hot weather and how it might impact with the above factors. Are your employees having adequate rest breaks, and do they have access to shade and cool drinking water? Are they wearing cool and light long sleeve clothing with hats and sunglasses?
- Do you need an extra hand to get the job done in time? Master Plumbers can provide you with daily hire labour solutions for qualified plumbers or you can host an apprentice through our Plumbing Apprentices Victoria scheme.
- Remind your employees at their next toolbox about the increased hazards of the season and as an employer, you believe no job is worth an injury or life. To hear it from the boss can reinforce a strong safety culture, but staff also need to see the talk walked for it to be effective.
Master Plumbers has a range of OHS services and products available to help you manage these risks to your business, and more.
Feel free to get in touch to discuss how we can assist by calling the OHS Team Frank Geremia or Jacqui Johnson on 9329 9622.
Wishing all our members a happy and safe festive season.
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