Get a job with Master Plumbers
All Master Plumbers apprentices are formally employed by the industries Group Training Organisation, called Plumbing Apprenticeships Victoria.
All Master Plumbers apprentices are formally employed by the industries Group Training Organisation, called Plumbing Apprenticeships Victoria.
All Master Plumbers apprentices are hired by Plumbing Apprenticeships Victoria (PAV).
For over 20 years PAV (and its predecessor, the Group Apprentice scheme) have supported the plumbing industry by training apprentices and connecting them with employers.
The PAV brand was created to clearly distinguish its mission and service offerings from the overarching Master Plumbers and Mechanical Services Association (Master Plumbers) brand. PAV’s mission is to train quality plumbing professionals of the future by providing exceptional apprenticeship and employment opportunities. (Whereas Master Plumbers’ policies focus on promoting best-practice in regulation and training for all aspect of the plumbing industry.) For more information about Host Employers and host benefits click here.
Working for PAV means working for a wide variety of employers across all areas of the plumbing industry. PAV is affiliated with over 250 plumbing businesses (Host Employers) across metropolitan Melbourne.
Learners (apprentices) benefit from practical experience with a minimum of 5 plumbing streams during their apprenticeship, including:
PAV is affiliated with the Victorian state government and is a recognised Group Training Organisation (GTO). Our Group Training scheme delivers quality employment and training opportunities for our plumbing apprentices. PAV provides its apprentices with:
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